Author Archive:

Matt van Poortvliet

Opinion Matt van Poortvliet 22 May 2012

Working together to make a difference

Last November youth unemployment in the UK broke the 1 million barrier. As the recession rumbles on, the job market continues to shrink, and public spending cuts – to youth services, post-16 education and training …

Opinion 1 Matt van Poortvliet 1 May 2012

Funding families in a cold climate

As the dust settled on last summer’s riots in the UK, attention shifted from the young people who had been rioting to the ‘troubled families’ they grew up in. The prime minister pledged that his …

Opinion Matt van Poortvliet 1 March 2012

Sharing beyond doubt

A year ago, the prospect of a ‘knowledge-sharing website’ for funders was met with some scepticism. Do we really need another website? Sure, funders talk about learning and sharing with their peers, but do they …