Author Archive:
Graciela Hopstein
Taxation and philanthropy: roads to stronger civil society in Brazil
Civil society organisations are critical bulwarks of democracy and promoters of social change. Tax and philanthropy are key means for them to prosper Resource shortage is one of the biggest challenges facing Brazilian civil society …
Elections in Brazil: what is the relationship between philanthropy and democracy?
We are just days away from the second round of elections in Brazil (on 30 October) that will choose a new president for the next four years. In the view of several analysts, these are …
Is decolonising philanthropy making headway?
The colonial mentality has infected the practice of philanthropy in Brazil, but there are transformative ways to overcome it Philanthropy has traditionally been framed around a colonialist extractive rationale. Coloniality of power is a term …
Entering the funding arena
Social movements have rarely featured in funders’ theories of change or strategies. This is slowly changing and international interest in movements is rising Friday’s for Future, NiUnaMenos, Lucha, #BlackLivesMatter, the uprisings in Chile and HongKong, …
Social movements in times of pandemic: the moment for philanthropy has arrived
The global Corona pandemic might very well be the biggest crisis of our lifetime. The current situation has the potential to not only disrupt the status quo but to change our social, economic and political …
Philanthropy in Brazil: Obstacles, challenges and opportunities
Brazilian philanthropy is maturing, expanding visibly and becoming more diversified – as indicated by two recent studies: a report on Philanthropy in Brazil, produced by Philanthropy for Social Justice and Peace (PSJP) and presented in Brazil in …