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Global health philanthropy
Funding maternal and newborn health innovation: 5 ways to accelerate SDG progress
For hundreds of thousands of women and babies around the world, health disparities continue to cause too many tragic and preventable deaths each year. The Sustainable Development Goals challenge us to reduce global maternal mortality …
Covid-19 accelerates positive change in the way philanthropy operates
Funding global health issues through networked and systems approaches offers greater opportunity for impact during the crisis and beyond. The ongoing global Covid-19 crisis has put important development advancements of recent decades at risk, and …
Covid-19 and the unfinished funding agenda in Southeast Asia
Since the beginning of the pandemic, philanthropists and private foundations have invested their resources to control the Covid-19 epidemic and ameliorate its impacts. The reactions have varied from admiration for the ‘generosity’ and social commitment …
Systems thinking can support research translation and crossing the ‘valley of death’
Funders of health and medical research play a unique and important role. Beyond supporting individual projects and striving to achieve their purpose, funders can collectively influence culture and systems. At the researcher level, emphasis is …
Wellcome Trust launch new strategy to address world’s biggest health threats
The Wellcome Trust, the world’s fourth-largest foundation and one of the largest funders of global health, has announced its new strategy, which will focus on infectious diseases, mental health, and global heating. Speaking to Alliance …