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Of fire trucks, Obama, Romney and philanthropy

Bradford Smith and Foundation Center 6 November 2012

‘I live in a rural community where the Tea Party dominates, no new taxes can be passed without a super majority, and government is cutting back on everything. The other day someone asked me how …

Social Impact Bond to reduce reoffending in US launched

1 Alliance magazine 8 August 2012

  Social impact bonds (SIBs), widely touted as a possible answer to shrinking public purses and a way to secure non-government investment in the solution of a social problem, have claimed their US avatar in …

How will the ‘First Globals’ change philanthropy?

Kristin Majeska and Philanthropic Intelligence 23 July 2012

‘Of course, she went down to Guatemala with my wife, to help out with that non-profit, Safe Passages.’ A friend was describing his daughter’s experience with philanthropy and community work. I was struck by his …

Living with the Gates Foundation: the debate continues

Timothy Ogden 12 December 2011

Describing the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation as the world’s largest foundation is accurate but a substantial understatement. Its annual giving is more than six times larger than its closest ‘peer’. There are fewer than …

Thoughts on the state of strategy in foundations

Timothy Ogden 13 April 2011

[Note from Alliance: Tim Ogden and Laura Starita of Philanthropy Action have been blogging from the Council on Foundations conference in Philadelphia, which finished yesterday. Our thanks to Philanthropy Action for allowing us to re-publish …