Chile has a large non-profit sector, on a par with that in Argentina and many developed economies, including Spain, Portugal and Italy, according to the first comprehensive assessment of the sector in Chile, recently released by the Johns Hopkins Comparative Nonprofit Sector Project.
One reason for this may be the extensive government support for the non-profit sector in Chile, which is higher than elsewhere in Latin America, and close to the level in Western Europe’s Welfare Partnership model of the non-profit sector.
Comparative sources of civil society organization revenue
1 Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru.
2 Austria, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Ireland, Israel, Italy, The Netherlands, Portugal, Spain.
For more information
See Ignacio Irarrazaval, Eileen M H Hairel, S Wojciech Sokolowski, and Lester M Salamon (2006) The Chilean Nonprofit Sector in Comparative Perspective Santiago, Chile: PNUD-FOCUS and the Johns Hopkins Center for Civil Society Studies. Available at http://www.jhu.edu/ccss/cnp
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