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10 years of the Philanthropy Network for Social Justice in Brazil

Between the challenges and hope, philanthropies (in plural) that resist

Luisa Hernandez and Jonathas Azevedo 31 October 2022

Doing advocacy work in the field of philanthropy is not an easy task. The reproduction of colonial structures, racism, misogyny, LGBTIphobia and other diverse forms of violence make philanthropy an environment that can still be …

Perceptions on philanthropy

Mariana de Assis 31 October 2022

Philanthropy, Social Justice, Decolonial Philanthropy, Human Rights, Democracy… The 10th Anniversary Seminar of the Brazilian Philanthropy Network for Social Justice – now Comuá Network – immersed us in these themes and, in two days, brought …

Building horizontal spaces to share knowledge

Diane Pereira Sousa 31 October 2022

The title of this text is the first definition of the Comuá Network in my view. There are many ways to choose whether to define yourself as a network, but I will stick with the …

The metaverse of philanthropy: Building transformative realities from social justice

Marcelle Decothé 31 October 2022

You must have heard or read something about the technological phenomenon of the moment: the Metaverse. It is nothing more than the terminology used to indicate a type of virtual world that tries to replicate …