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Fund the Front Line: Judging the outcome

Eleanor Harrison 7 November 2013

Of the four partners in the Fund the Front Line campaign, we can modestly claim to be the least well known. To the uninformed, the reason for our inclusion would appear to need no explanation. The …

Crowdfunding healthcare

Lucy Bernholz 23 April 2013

First came GlobalGiving, DonorsChoose and Kiva. These platforms brought crowd giving/lending to new heights. They also represent a trajectory of increasingly narrow area of focus for the platforms – GlobalGiving funds development projects internationally, DonorsChoose …

Donormedia and Crowdmedia: Philanthropy in Europe is slowly redefining its relationship towards media funding

Michael Alberg-Seberich 16 November 2012

During last week’s Creative Media Days in Ghent and Brussels people did not only talk about the potential of new apps or the future of computing. One sub-conference on ‘Creative Funding for Creative Media’ brought together …