Philanthropic giving by and for women increasing but still small amount of total

Foundation giving specifically to benefit women and girls has grown faster than the rate of overall foundation giving in recent years, while women’s funds are a rapidly growing and influential force in philanthropy, says a new report jointly released last month by the Foundation Center and the Women’s Funding Network. Accelerating Change for Women and Girls: The role of women’s funds found that between 1990 and 2006, giving directed to women and girls by the foundation community increased by 223 per cent, compared to an overall giving increase of 177 per cent, while giving by the 55 women’s funds studied also rose an inflation-adjusted 24 per cent between 2004 and 2006. These increases notwithstanding, foundation giving specifically to benefit women and girls is still a small percentage of their overall giving. Other notable findings were that while women’s funds take a comprehensive approach to social change, focusing their giving on human rights, health, and economic empowerment, foundation giving for women and girls is primarily focused on health, with nearly half of grant funding going to support health-related activities.

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