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Social investment

Resistance against hopelessness at JRF’s Next Frontiers Conference

Andrew Milner 2 July 2024

JRF’s director of emerging futures, posed three questions for participants at the Foundation’s 2024 Next Frontier’s conference: what is this moment we are living through and how should we respond to it? Where does wealth …

Reflections on the Next Frontiers Conference

Aubrey Yee 2 July 2024

The etymology of the word ‘frontier’ refers to the spaces on the border, the borderlands, those places that are between one world and another. In 2024, what does it mean to be on the frontier, …

The importance of mentality

Dilys Winterkorn 28 June 2024

Some conferences have the power to ignite movements. The Joseph Rowntree Foundation’s Next Frontiers was one such event, offering a space to confront the poly-crisis and initiate a far-reaching movement. This movement, long championed by …

Somewhere between a lot and not enough!

Leonardo Letelier 28 June 2024

I lead Sitawi Finance for Good, a Brazilian nonprofit that develops infrastructure for the Impact Economy in Brazil – in other words, we try to accelerate the flow of funds for positive social and environmental …

Embracing Change Now: JRF Next Frontiers Conference

Lindsay Storie 28 June 2024

I came to the conference not only as the Head of Community for Patriotic Millionaires, a community of millionaires using their unusual voice of wealth to create systemic change through the advocation of a wealth …

Next Frontiers through the lens of steward-ownership

Maike Kauffmann 28 June 2024

One day at the Next Frontiers conference felt like a week, and left me both invigorated and exhausted, inspired and disillusioned. It left me feeling part of a movement and quite alone, moving forward and …

Calling all funders for preventative youth mental health programmes

Fozia Irfan 24 June 2024

‘Catch it early, catch it upstream’. When it comes to mental health issues in children, this phrase holds greater resonance. Historically, mental health issues have been tackled reactively as they emerge in individuals and communities, …

Uncovering foundations’ impact investing sphere

Zibran Choudhury 12 June 2024

In May, Alliance asked its readers what session they would like to hear about most at Philea Forum 2024 in a poll. The winner was ‘Uncovering foundations’ impact investing sphere’– take a look at our …

“Societal shift” around philathropists using endowment for positive impact

Claudia Cahalane 6 June 2024

Philanthropists’ interest in incorportating impact investing, both in grantmaking and their endowment, is growing, according to two philanthropic support organisations. Impact Europe and Philea (Philanthropy Europe Association) have released new guidance for philathropists looking to …

Catalysing change week 2024: Government champions for social innovation

Annmarie McQueen 3 June 2024

Social innovation is a key tool for fighting inequality, tackling climate change and making meaningful progress towards the world’s SDG goals as we get closer to 2030. This virtual session by Catalyst2030 focused on how …