Mexican Center For Philanthropy – Donors’ meeting in Mexico

Last November, as part of the 2009 Annual Reunion that concluded its 20th anniversary year, the Mexican Center for Philanthropy (CEMEFI) organized its 6th Donors’ Meeting, on ‘Investment for Solidarity in Current Times’. The aim: to call upon foundations and businesses to reflect on the strategic role their philanthropic contributions play in improving the quality of life in Mexico.

The programme included a panel entitled ‘The Context of Donations in Mexico and the World’; panellists were Helena Monteiro of Brazil’s Institute for the Development of Social Investment (IDIS), Daniel Domagala of Synergos (USA), and Jorge Villalobos Grzybowicz and Lourdes Sanz Moguel from CEMEFI. Participants were also offered the opportunity for small-group discussion and reflection on the giving practices of their foundations and businesses.

The event concluded with the presentation of tools and resources, developed by CEMEFI to strengthen the donors’ sector in Mexico: the Mexican Donors’ Directory, with information on 170 foundations and business programmes; and the Institutionalism and Transparency Indicators programme for NGOs.

Also announced at the meeting was the creation of a Project Bank, an online tool allowing donors to familiarize themselves with Mexican projects focused on different social causes, thus offering donors a clearer understanding of the impact their donations to these projects might achieve.

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