Author Archive:

Clara Miller

Analysis Clara Miller 14 May 2024

Philanthropy must address the erosion of the ‘outer commons’

In North America, social ideals encompassing the ‘common good’ have existed from the earliest times of human habitation. First Nations tribes, groups of European settlers landing from England, France and Spain, enslaved Africans arriving under …

Analysis 2 Clara Miller 10 April 2018

A Revolution of Capital

Institutional philanthropy, whose self-appointed roles include providing risk capital for society, leading transformational change and addressing society’s greatest challenges, has not kept up and adjusted to the times. If we want philanthropy to stay relevant …

Opinion Clara Miller 1 June 2010

Investors’ Perspectives – Is more debt the answer?

The social capital market is revving up in the wake of the spectacular nosedive of the global capital market. In the US, a number of foundations are exploring philanthropic debt for the first time, providing …