Author Archive:
Vineet Rai
Impact investment: time for scale-up
Impact investing has captured the imagination of the philanthropy world, where it is often viewed as a panacea for development challenges. Celebrated for its potential, it’s also questioned by business investors and impact seekers. Is …
SOCAP 2014 diary
During SOCAP 13, Kevin Jones and I concluded a partnership between SOCAP and SANKALP, the two leading global convenings on impact investing, with the idea of influencing the global inclusive development agenda. This partnership brought …
New industry or disruptive innovation?
Monitor Deloitte’s Beyond the Pioneer report raises interesting issues about businesses that work with the poor. It suggests that real scale can be achieved only by developing the industries arising from these pioneer businesses and …
The SOCAP diary
A chance meeting on a panel with Kevin Jones, founder of SOCAP, meant not only that I got invited to attend SOCAP but also that I was asked to join Kevin at the plenary session …
The SOCAP diary
A chance meeting on a panel with Kevin Jones, founder of SOCAP, meant not only that I got invited to attend SOCAP but also that I was asked to join Kevin at the plenary session …