Author Archive:
Luc Tayart de Borms
Moving toward EFC 3.0
This article was written for the European Foundation Centre as part of a specially commissioned blog series celebrating Its 30th anniversary. Click here to read more posts from some of the most influential thought-leaders on philanthropy discussing the …
Interview – Luc Tayart de Borms
‘We have a convening power and a brand name power, in the sense that we are accepted in Belgium as a foundation that is working for the public interest.’ Belgium’s King Baudouin Foundation (KBF) is …
Three cautions about data
Alliance’s making the issue of data central to this edition is very timely. Few people will doubt or question the importance of data in our professional context. I am sure this ‘new asset class’ will …
American Foundations – Roles and contributions
The editors of this book have taken on an ambitious task: providing a historical perspective on the impact and significance of the foundation sector in the United States. The book’s various authors give us an …
Small Change: Why business won’t save the world
Michael Edwards strongly criticizes philanthrocapitalism and philanthrocapitalists. In his critique, he explores the myths and realities about this controversial, market-based approach. But in the end he raises as many questions as he attempts to answer. …
The inordinate power of programme officers
To achieve impact and effect social or policy change, foundations must reach beyond grantmaking to a variety of other means. The philanthropic toolbox includes advocacy, convening diverse stakeholders, publications, seminars, supporting think-tanks, and communication campaigns …
Supporting civil society – a dogma for our time?
As today’s foundation leaders grapple with how to effect meaningful change, they must answer two questions: what are the best means to pursue and who are the most effective agents of the change they seek? …
Social entrepreneurship – looking behind the hype
In every sector of society, including our own, there are passing fashions. This certainly applies to the concepts of social entrepreneurship and social investing, which are arguably hyped up ‘trends’. Every new fashion clearly brings …