The EFC’s Forum for Roma Inclusion presented a series of recommendations at the Second European Roma Summit, which took place in Córdoba, Spain, on 8-9 April, as one of the key events of the Spanish EU Presidency. The recommendations identify three priority areas where action is needed: early childhood development; the transition from education to adult and working life; and combating anti-Roma stereotypes and promoting Roma rights.
The recommendations document also announces the Forum’s plan to develop a flagship transnational project for the training of Roma and non-Roma journalists and media specialists. The aim is to help raise awareness, influence the public on the equal worth of the Roma, change perceptions and promote good relations among Roma and non-Roma, and fight anti-Roma prejudice. Furthermore, acknowledging the vital role of the local level, the Forum plans to launch a transnational network of local initiatives to highlight good policies and practices in this area.
Established in 2009, the Forum aims to build and share knowledge and expertise among foundations working on issues of inclusion and to use this to provide a strategic input to European initiatives looking to reverse the disadvantaged situation of Roma minorities. The founding members include the Freudenberg Stiftung, Erste Stiftung, Bernard van Leer Foundation and Foundation ‘Remembrance, Responsibility and Future’.
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