Author Archive:
Betsy Brill
2014 Exponent Philanthropy Conference: is philanthropy fulfilling its promise?
Exponent Philanthropy held its largest conference ever – 1,000 participants – in Washington DC, 30 October – 1 November. This was the first conference as Exponent Philanthropy; formerly known as ASF – the Association of …
Can next gens give us a shot in the arm on impact?
Jason Franklin’s overview article hits the mark in terms of what differentiates a next gen donor from many donors ‘over a certain age’. Over the past 14-plus years we have been privileged to work with …
Legacy planning: a necessity not an option
In the 13 years since Strategic Philanthropy, Ltd was established, philanthropic advisory services have become a more familiar professional resource for donors and an increasingly respected professional ‘partner’ for their legal and financial advisers. The …
What can donors do to mitigate the pain of the new normal, asks ASF conference
I had the privilege to attend the 2012 Association of Small Foundations Conference in San Francisco, 6-8 October, attended by more than 1,000 people – trustees, staff and advisers to small staffed foundations and some …
What can donors do to mitigate the pain of the new normal, asks ASF conference
I had the privilege to attend the 2012 Association of Small Foundations Conference in San Francisco, 6-8 October, attended by more than 1,000 people – trustees, staff and advisers to small staffed foundations and some …
Cross-border giving – how can we sustain the momentum?
The recently released Giving USA 2011 annual report on philanthropy showed that international affairs (giving) is the big winner – up 18.6 per cent cumulatively between 2008 and 2010. Some may assume that this …
Giving for sustainable change in the Pacific Northwest
‘Giving for Sustainable Change’, held on 1 and 2 April in Seattle, Washington, USA, was the second gathering of a new community of global donors – Pacific Northwest Global Donors. The conference was attended by …
1st Pacific Northwest Global Donors conference
Pathways for Strategic Giving, held on 19 and 20 March in Seattle, Washington was the inaugural gathering of a new community of global donors, Pacific Northwest Global Donors. Over 180 donors attended, including representatives from …
The value of evaluation
Foundations are naturally concerned that their grantmaking produces meaningful results, but they often fail to take evaluation seriously, and the limited human and financial resources that they put into it reduce its potential value. Yet, …