Author Archive:
Rosien Herweijer
The many meanings of advocacy
On paper, advocacy may be one simple word, but GrantCraft found that its meaning can vary greatly. Foundation practitioners across Europe use the term to describe a wide and varied set of activities, ranging from …
Philanthropy in the Arab region: maximizing philanthropic resources in times of change and austerity
Given the venue of the AFF conference ‘Maximizing Philanthropic Resources in Times of Change and Austerity’, held 16-18 September in Cairo, you would have expected extensive political analysis of the Arab Spring, its origins, the …
Exiting and moving on needs excellence, but it isn’t rocket science
GrantCraft recently started work on a new project, an inquiry into how funders end programs, break off funding relationships and partnerships, leave program areas or countries or – in some cases – deliberately spend themselves …
Philanthropy in the Arab region: maximizing philanthropic resources in times of change and austerity
Given the venue of the AFF conference Maximizing Philanthropic Resources in Times of Change and Austerity, held 15-17 September in Cairo earlier this week, you would have expected extensive political analysis of the Arab Spring, …
Failing to talk about failure
Failure is failing to talk about it! Lisa Jordan makes an important point about the links between risk-taking and potential failure. It is difficult to assess how often philanthropy fails. And if it does, who learns from …