Over 70 foundations have signed a joint statement on immigration in the wake of President Trump’s executive order banning immigration from seven Muslim countries.
The statement, published by Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees (GCIR) focuses on the fact that America was built by generations of immigrants and refugees.
The statement insists that philanthropic institutions and the world at large not only benefit from diversity and equality noting that ‘the recently issued immigration executive orders compromise our nation’s founding principles and the Constitution, our standing in the world, and our core values of liberty, justice, and due process.’
While the statement is focused on the principles that define the United States and protect its citizens, it is clear that this order deeply affects and influences people and foundations worldwide.
The signatories include Larry Kramer, president of The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation; Pamela Shiffman, executive director of Novo Foundation; Jerry Greenfield, president of Ben and Jerry’s Foundation; and Hussien Y. Shousher, board chair at the Center for Arab American Philanthropy. Other foundations include Russel Sage Foundation, Open Society Foundations, and Surdna Foundation.
Focusing on those in America and abroad, the statement acknowledges possible obstacles and hardships as a result of the ban.
Philanthropies and foundations may find these challenges particularly troubling, though by joining together ‘with history and morality as our guide,’ they are committed to maintaining their core principles of inclusion, equality, and dignity.
For more information, contact Caleb Beaudoin at GCIR.
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