Content is (still) the king


Laura Sahamies


I joined the EFComEx Session on Wednesday 20th May where the agenda was to discuss on what kinds of challenges the changing communications landscape is bringing to organisations.

Communicating with audiences has changed. It is not just about how you communicate but what you are communicating in social media. As Eric Porterfield, Senior Communications Director from the United Nations Foundation said: ”Everything has changed”. More people have more access to social media – they have more information and they require more transparency.

Many organisations use social media as their primary tool for communications. That is understandable considering there are over 2 billion active social media accounts. Marit Fagnastol, Head of Communications from Sparebankstiftelsen pointed out that the social media era has forced organisations to communicate more publicly. Audiences appreciate honesty, they will also notice if you are not genuine. I believe this is only a good thing.

Social media is a very useful tool. It is a low cost way to spread your message. But there is a risk in thinking that the quantity of posts, videos, status updates etc. is what matters. Organisations should not just join every possible social media channel available if they do not know why they should be there. A social media strategy should be behind the decisions. Everything cannot and should not be shared in social media. Also, every employee should have the same idea of the organisation’s ”tone of voice” as Fagnastol pointed out.

Elena Schiaffiono, Partner and Co-founder of Engitel Apa web agency talked from a more commercial point of view. Before it was easy to reach a large audience with one message. Nowadays you will have to have varied messages to various types of media. Storytelling is the key.

Alberto Contri, President of the Fondazione Pubblicitá Progresso wrapped it up well: ”Think first the hard content/essence of the communications, then use all technical tools to apply it”. That is why the content is still the king or should I say the queen.

Laura Sahamies
Communications coordinator
Kone Foundation

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