Funders support African media with disruptive journalism course


Alliance magazine


Africa No Filter and the Thomson Foundation have partnered to offer a course aiming to disrupt stereotypical news and storytelling about Africa by helping journalists develop a fresh reporting style beyond framing Africa through conflict, disease, poverty, corruption, and poor leadership.

African Stories: A guide for journalists on how to tell better stories about Africa will be offered online and presented by journalism and media experts, including BBC journalists and professors of media and communications.

‘There is an increasing body of evidence that shows people want more inspiring, uplifting human interest stories and content they can relate to. If journalists want to remain current, they need to up their skills and write what their audience wants to read, and at the moment, it’s news that goes far beyond the journalism adage that “if it bleeds, it leads”’, said Moky Makura, Executive Director at Africa No Filter.

After the course, participants will get the opportunity to pitch their stories to Bird, Africa’s first agency for alternative stories about the continent. Bird is media partners with Nation Group in Kenya, Big Cabal in Nigeria, and Arena Media in South Africa.

Comments (1)

Alfred Manziala

Dear Colleagues, I am very happy about this article. It is critical that African Journalism in the continent be clustered by their specialties to be understandable as their writings can meet the needs of their readers. La qualitative writing is very critical in those days of the social media revolution. Many journalists are misleading audiences by contradicting themes selves from their social media and what they are writing. Involving a journalistic educational tool is a very good idea. It is my ambition to diversify that in the French and Spanish-speaking countries. Please, I will like this collaboration. Sincerely

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