Giving Voice to Philanthropy: New report from Beacon Collaborative published today


Alliance magazine


Today the Beacon Collaborative partners released three reports focused on how to grow high-net-worth giving in the UK, as well as improve the quality of giving. Giving Voice to Philanthropy, one of the reports, identifies the need to highlight how philanthropy contributes to transformational change.

The value of philanthropy is not just in the contributions of one individual, but also in the outcomes of strategic partnerships and collaboration, the report states.

‘Talk of philanthropists inevitably defaults to one dimension – numbers of zeros; the size of gifts, rather than what philanthropic partnerships actually achieve,’ said Andrew Watt of Third Sector Strategy, researcher and lead author of the report.

‘With this report, we hand the voice to the philanthropists; describing what motivates them, what they feel about what they do – most particularly, what they think remains to be achieved, the tools they need and the road map to arrive there.

‘Philanthropists come from across our communities and in today’s world are from backgrounds as varied as the beneficiaries they serve. Their heritage, connections, and experience are as important to the success of the projects they support as the financial investment they make in them.

‘The recommendations we make are intended to outline the platform philanthropists and their community partners say they need for success.’

To read the report, click here.

Read the other reports published today: The giving experience: Overcoming the barriers to giving among the wealthy in the UK and Collaborating for a cause: How cause-related networks multiply the impact of philanthropy.

The Beacon Collaborative is a collective impact movement bringing together philanthropists, organisations and foundations that share a common aspiration to increase philanthropy and social investment among the wealthy in the UK. 

Tagged in: Beacon Collaborative

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