Philanthropy and the common good – download the new issue for free


Alliance magazine


The atomisation of society, an economy based on competition and growing distrust of politics and of institutions in general: these are some of the factors that have led to a diminished commitment to the common good. What role does philanthropy have in revivifying the notion and helping to secure its various elements, especially where philanthropy itself is one of the institutions facing scepticism? Could philanthropy’s commitment to this issue help to restore its own legitimacy and make it a trusted voice in the future shape of societies?

But what is the common good? Representatives of civil society and philanthropy around the world talk about how it is viewed in their country or region and how philanthropy is helping to shape it. We learn how an initiative in Mexico is helping to preserve a vital watershed in the ecosystem of Central America. Articles describe the role of both culture and education in fostering the idea of a common good and how philanthropy can support these and our guest editors talk to Hafsat Abiola of Women in Africa about her work in the Nigerian democracy movement and who argues that, to create collective good, we first have to create trust across difference.

This issue is free to download without a paywall, thanks to a generous grant from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. As with all Hewlett media grants, this grant maintains editorial independence for the publication. Download here.

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