Which session at Philea Forum 2024 would you most like to read about?


Alliance magazine


As we approach Philea Forum 2024, Alliance is assembling a team of bloggers to report from the event. We hope to be able to share the topics and themes from the conference with those who are unable to attend — and hear comments from those who are.

In an era marked by the ongoing erosion of public trust in established institutions and growing demands for democracy, equality, climate action and social justice, philanthropic organisations face critical challenges. How can they build and maintain trust in the eyes of the communities they serve? And how can they help push back against the constant flow of misinformation?

The Philea Forum 2024 will address these questions and explore practical strategies for enhancing both trust in philanthropy, and philanthropy’s role in building trust in democracy, in institutions, and between generations. The forum will examine the roots and branches of trust deficits (including between generations), and how they hamper the ability of foundations to address complex, interconnected challenges. We will visit the principles of mutual, trust-based philanthropy and why they are gaining momentum to help rebalance the dynamics between funders, grantees, and the communities they serve.

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I'm truly excited about the upcoming Philea Forum 2024 and the discussions it aims to foster. Addressing the critical issues of trust in philanthropy amidst a backdrop of societal challenges like misinformation and inequality is not just timely but essential. I'm particularly eager to see how the forum explores practical strategies to rebuild and strengthen trust between philanthropic organizations and the communities they serve. This emphasis on mutual, trust-based philanthropy promises to pave the way for more impactful collaborations and solutions to complex global issues.

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